Credit cards are pieces of plastic which must always, unfailingly work. Thousands of people own these cards and the invisible issuer, in turn, owns every little detail about the cardholder’s life - what they bought, where, and when.

The issuer entices users to use the card with an icing on each cake - special promotions by tying up with restaurants, stores and free tickets to the Taylor Swift or IPL world series. From where they see it, their promotion needs to hit the right target. From where a user sees it, all they want is their monthly statement on time. It’s at that intersection that Broadside sits.

Problems we’ve solved in the industry

In the world of credit cards, you don’t measure success with credit card holders, you measure it with users. Users need offers. Offers are only interesting if they hit the right inbox. First, they must reach the inbox, and not get thrown into the Spam folder. Second, they must hit the right inbox, and not be broadcast like flyers handed out at bus stations.

With credit card statements, you look for high volume processing and throughput, and timely delivery. You will want a detailed listing of undeliverable statements, so that your customer connect team can get to work calling up the cardholder and getting the statement delivered by other means. This also helps you clean out your email address database and save aggravation next month.

How we have solved
the problems

Your cardholder database can be uploaded to Broadside with all the data analytics dimensions your analytics engine can extract. This, coupled with data you get from Broadside itself, gives you the power to run targeted campaigns tailored down to the T. You can even design customised emails tailored to each group of two dozen recipients. Send email to only those cardholders in Eldora, Iowa (pop: 2,700) who use iPhones and have bought at Wendy’s in the last month. There too, you can separate out the Spanish speakers from the English. You have the data. We’ll deliver. Go imaginative, intuitive, obvious and creative with your targeting. 

Our IP address warmup process and constant automated monitoring of IP reputation ensures that you get clean, trusted IP addresses to send mails from, and your digital signature on every email, put there by our servers, ensures greater trust. All these measures keep spammers away from Broadside and ensure that genuine banks with genuine clients get a smooth experience.

For statement delivery, you can upload a full batch and fire it at a scheduled time, for effective delivery. Then, later, you can pull down a list of delivery reports, so that you can clean your database of all email addresses which appear unreachable.


The credit card industry today provides the plumbing to allow
a modern urban person to run his life. We provide the plumbing
which enables your industry to deliver the flawless, six-sigma service
quality which you aim for.

Statement about the competitive pricing we offer

Starting at 0,00/- lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.